Standing on guard in the lustreless passion void
Observing in servitude from the palm lined concrete castle
Some job this is waiting for fake emergency
Semi sentient beings chipping away the hours
in an irresponsible abyss, helpless
Tagging dreary delegates
sans pleasentries
unappeased, harassed old ladies
and kids
Always gliding sinister on some clap trap contraption
Some pre school zimmer frame from the future
Healthy kids with parents too lame
to enforce or fein to beg the benefits using ones own legs
Rounding up their herd on razor scooters
Circling jackals in the dim lit lobby
Doldrum dregs and deadbeats washed up around the edges
of what is deemed public property
while hip young things sucked into screens
sit with well coiffed coffees for company.
I guess
If you can keep your eyes open
it doesn’t have to be a waste of time.