flower making with the ruskin foundation


Community flower making at Manor Lodge.

In July I ran a workshop as part of the Ruskin in Sheffield programme for The Big Draw festival.

Part of The Ruskin Society, Ruskin in sheffield is a fantastic organisation that runs a regular programme of events including talks, visits, and study days. The 2017 programme has a focus on drawing, the skill that Ruskin believed helped people to see the world clearly, and care for it. You can find out more about what they do (and more about Ruskin) at: http://www.ruskininsheffield.com/

This years event was held at Manor Oaks, a historic site that is bursting with wildflowers among the ruins of a fine Tudor Manor, home of George Talbot, 6th Earl of Shrewsbury and his wife Bess of Hardwick.

The workshop focused on the diversity of the flowers in the surroundings, taking time to really look at their structures and consider how to create in 3d. Visitors were shown different clay techniques and guided in making their own flowers. The workshop aimed to be a chance for people to master the delicacy needed for working in bone china while appreciating the intricacies of the local flora. A beautiful collection of flowers were made by the participants which can now be seen at the Millenium Gallery to be displayed in the Ruskin room.