By now I have a really swell headache
If we never meet again maybe I’d remember you fondly
The way things are going
Like those gone before
Hard to say
The coffee bitter and depressed in equal measures
You’ve got plenty to say for yourself,
You talk more than any one I ever met
You’ve got me self censoring
My own estimations of success
Tallying tales of non events
I’m not sold, I’m using words like ‘wicked’ and 'cool’
Talking myself out of a dare
And ready to bale
Paradise might be hell but worse is chicken limbo
Descending in the void of a lift
To a car park full of four wheel drive shopping trolleys with squealing wheels
Mouths full of powdery health foods
Fuck this for a future
You’re hot breathing on my face is insufferable
I don’t want your problems missionary on mine
Stay in your own greasy bubble
I’m out.